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Winter observation near Bratislava

[:sk][pondelok, 21.1.2019]
Naše januárové pozorovanie sme začali na slovensko-maďarsko-rakúskom pohraničí.

Romania 2016 – Fotoreport

We travelled to Romania full of hopes and high expectations to see what had changed and what we would see.

Moson Danube canoe trip 2017

[:sk][sobota, 9.6.2017]
Po horúcom piatku sa v priebehu soboty dostavil studený front a našich účastníkov trochu potrápil.

Great bustard in winter

[January 11 – 13, 2018]
During last couple of days, we have spent time at the wintering place of our heaviest flying bird – the magnificent Great bustard.

Bike trip to the Stork village Marchegg

[:sk][sobota, 11.6.2016]
Druhý tohtoročný cyklovýlet sme začali pri Morave na začiatku Devínskej Novej Vsi.

Summer canoeing trips 2015

[Saturday, June 27, 2015 and Saturday, July 4, 2015]
In the beginning of summer we organized two awesome canoeing trips on the Danube river and its smaller branch. Read further if you want to find out how it went on…

Short courses on bird calls – April 2015

[Saturday – Sunday, April 11 – 12, 2015]
Our short weekend courses were a great success.

Windy observation of White-tailed Eagles

[Tuesday, January 6 and Sunday, January 11, 2015]
Our first observation of this year.

Rainy bicycle trip in the Small Carpathians

[Saturday, May 3, 2014]
Although many people think that Bratislava has no pretty and well-preserved nature, the opposite is true. During our bicycle tip we focused on the forests of the Small Carpathians.

Fascinating display of Great Bustard

[Saturday, April 12, 2014]
A report from our spring trip to Austria, focused on the Great Bustard – the heaviest flying European bird – display.

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